A 60 minute session designed to activate your ability to embrace the present moment through a brief guided breath meditation followed by 45 minutes of blended sound modalities. Train your mind to induce a mode of relaxation to reach inner peace.  This session includes a variety of instruments that have varying tones and elements which support both meditation and relaxation. Offering: $60

Offering of $60 will accommodate a session for 3 individuals. Offering for 4-5 people is $16/per person. Max capacity - 6  *Please note how many people you are reserving for upon registration.

To book an appointment please contact me via email:


This is a condensed, 45 minute session for those that are short on time, but would still love the benefits of sound treatment. Slip into bliss with 30 minutes of crystal bowls tuned at 432 MHz and bells that are affiliated with the elements (earth, water, wind and fire.). This session is recommended for those that have experienced sound mediation or for those that practice meditation regularly. Offering: $45

To book an appointment please contact me via email:


A 90 minute session rooted in esoteric exploration. Guided meditation will focus on chakra alignment and balance followed by 45 minutes of blended sound modalities. This session ends with a herbal/floral clearing traditionally referred to as a limpia. Limpias are ancient ceremonial practices that can encompass many different elements.  I solely work with herbs and California native plants, and often combine Reiki and/or Pranic Healing within each session.  Because we are each unique, my approach with each individual varies.  This session includes a variety of instruments that have varying tones and elements which support both alignment, meditation and an opportunity to reconnect. At the end of the session you will receive a personalized self-care wellness item. Offering: $150

To book an appointment please contact me via email:


This 60 minute session introduces you to the power herbal offerings impart to the mind, body and spirit.  Gift yourself the opportunity to connect with earth elements that have been cared for and ethically grown with the intention to support your journey.  Limpias are ancient ceremonial practices that can encompass many different elements.  I solely work with herbs and California native plants, and often combine Reiki and/or Pranic Healing within each session.  Because we are each unique, my approach with each individual varies.  This session also includes time and space to reflect and explore things that might come up for you.  Offering: $80

To book an appointment please contact me via email:


More now than ever (in this lifetime) there has been an opportunity to reconstruct our trust and faith in esoteric modalities. Distance support/energy work is equally dynamic, and in some cases, it can often be more efficient.  I have been a certified practitioner in energy work since 2007.  My personal health journey landed me in Pranic Healing Level 1 with the MCKS Institute, which led to my certification in Pranic Healing Level 2, and certifications in both Reiki Level 1 and Level 2.  My greatest ability in the esoteric capacity is to hold space for you wherever you are at in your journey.  I often rely on my innate clair senses and pair them with the techniques that I have studied.  All virtual/distance support is being offered by donation during Covid-19.  My commitment to community is first and foremost. Please feel free to contact me to discuss sliding scale, trades, etc. 

To book an appointment please contact me via email:


This offering is a practice that I have kept within my inner circle for quite some time. Most people prefer a face to face reading, and for my energetic reasons I prefer to read remotely. My reading style involves a personal practice that prepares me to receive messages. I often, almost always utilize animal spirit cards to decipher best course of action. My readings are designed to work within the framework of self-realization and we will explore the scope of what a positive course of action might look and feel like for you. Sometimes the readings come through as confirmations that you are walking your divine path in that exact moment. Affirmations can also be extremely supportive when you are feeling a bit lost. You will have the opportunity to discuss what resonates with you and the opportunity to ask for clarity within the allotted time. Please email me as this offering is also sliding scale for the time being. We can discuss what your needs are and what works for both of us.

To book an appointment please contact me via email: